
zoomer tourist owned epic style by landchads


The world is so big I want to see. Literal translation of chinese characters to english as a caption. Anime girl holding sack of possessions on shoulder waving bye to the viewer with a stern face

It is currently eight in the morning and another bright sunny day in central Mexico on the second floor of my aunt’s apartment overlooking the town while I wait for my jet-lagged family to wake up. I am scribbling this on a quaint grade school notebook that cost eleven pesos at the corner bodega, as well as with a mechanical pencil I bought for 400 yen in Osaka the year before (peak globalism). All that said, here are a few takeaways from my trip so far.


the pirate's life

- In pursuit of a more pious life, I was reading a book on youth catechism the other day, and a passage from the section on the 7th commandment (Thou shalt not steal) stuck out to me. And then the realization hit me like a freight train - I've built my entire workflow of pirated media! For laughs, I thought about the prospect of going clean so to speak, and reflexively repudiated the idea. Was I really going to act in the interest of greedy corporations who always screw over the author/artist? [...]

muh japanese studies (piracy draft)

- I am currently in possession of about 1000 mp3s, a dozen or so ebooks, and hundreds of hours of Japanese anime ripped from YouTube and peer to peer torrenting networks, and haven't paid a cent for any of it. I have built my lifestyle around the critical consumption of media that I plan to store to some capacity indefinitely on my personal hard drives (in full in the case of music and the books, speech only in the case of the anime). [...]

being a nerd 15 and 30 years ago


Considering I haven’t learned or come across anything of value to share to you guys, let’s indulge my imagination for a moment. What would my current life look like in previous generations? Hopefully, doing so puts the sheer exponential speed of technological growth into perspective and makes us grateful for the amenities of today.

2008 - A lot would surprisingly be the same.

plastic and aluminum Gateway laptop from 2007 my first laptop - Gateway MT6705 (2007)


music for simple living


old white male farmer looking at his computer screen confused at finding a city slicker on

What is the role of music in a simple life - a life, say, in the countryside with the nearest pocket of more than 200 people at least a half hour away, without a big box store in sight?

Let’s, for the sake of cohesion, define a simple life as a life as free of technique as possible (technique in the sense Ellul1 laid out - any series of means that are established to achieve an end as efficiently as possible), then simple, traditional music is preferred.


peak innawoods tech


electric guitar with really badly put together body of wooden slabs jutting out every which way

I was in a prepper mood, and began to think about what I would and wouldn’t be able to use after the collapse of civilization. Here is a non-exaustive table with some of the more drastic changes I can imagine, in no particular order. The headers refer to Kaczynsky’s [video] delineation of technology - left column being that which depends on a service grid or intricate parts that cannot be sourced by any one individual, and the right column being the opposite.


children and the internet


Jesus, who is labelled “anime titties” is intervening between two business men in suits and acting as their liaison, who are in turn labelled “me, an innocent kid” and “the internet”

How do I straddle the fine line between shielding my future children from the degeneracy of civilization while at the same time, allowing them to learn from trial and error and reap the artisic benefits of music and the arts? What is my responsibility as father and creator? I relate a lot to God the father in that aspect - I cannot force my children to walk the good path nor expect them to fully see the merit in doing so until much later in life when they decide to embark on the same journey of being a good role model. Being accountable to my future offspring has really forced me to clean up my act and think longer term as to what I choose to spend my time doing.
