incel 35 - herbivore men

grade school girl smiling with crayon dust around her cheeks handing you a red crayon and saying, “Here. I saved you the red one”

She really has no sex appeal. The incel would feel silly for even entertaining the notion. It’d be like courting a little girl with how restless and fidgety her resting state is, and he isn’t about that lifestyle. Poetically enough, the very thing that allures him to her is the very reason he doesn’t feel it socially appropriate to advance anything. Any small talk he makes with her would, in the back of his mind at least, be under the pretext of eventually taking the plunge and asking her out. He can’t imagine talking to her, or any woman for that matter, without this intention, and I’m sure this intention would be painfully obvious to anyone within earshot of him. And while he intellectually knows that there’s no real consequence of having his intentions known, he doesn’t feel it to be true.

In any case, the incel is at a loss as to how to break the ice and become socially relevant - someone who has earned their place on the radar. Does he ask her for help with the lesson of the day? Should he ask for her number? What pretense would he even have for asking? He wants to satiate his growing curiosity about her way of life and mannerisms, but he has yet to find or make a good environment for extended conversation. Extended car rides has worked well for him in the past, but any one on one time should be fine. But to even bring up the fact that he wants one on one time? Turning the tables around, the class president, in his infinite chadness, straight up asks the incel to stay behind after class to hang out - catch up on his life story - and refuses to let any third parties or wheels take the spotlight. The club pres sure knows how to get’r dun.

The incel imagines himself arrested and detained in a dark, damp interrogation room, and can almost hear his voice faintly echo back to him off the brick walls as he explains, “I swear, officer. I’m a recently converted herbivore man with no intention to lay a finger on her.” How does he let her know he finds her absolutely fascinating without imposing any expectation of reciprocity? Honest to god natural curiosity. “Yeah, right,” they’ll all say.