☠️ the pirate's life
- I was reading a book on youth catechism, and a passage from the section on the 7th commandment (Thou shalt not steal) stuck out to me. And then the realization hit me like a freight train - I've built my entire workflow of pirated media! [...]
🈲 muh japanese studies (piracy draft)
- I am currently in possession of about 1000 mp3s, a dozen or so ebooks, and hundreds of hours of Japanese anime ripped from YouTube and peer to peer torrenting networks, and haven't paid a cent for any of it. I have built my lifestyle around the critical consumption of media that I plan to store to some capacity indefinitely on my personal hard drives (in full in the case of music and the books, speech only in the case of the anime). [...]
being a nerd 15 and 30 years ago
- What would my current life look like in previous generations? Doing so puts the sheer exponential speed of technological growth into perspective. [...]
peak innawoods tech
- I was in a prepper mood, and began to think about what I would and wouldn't be able to use after the collapse of civilization. Here is a non-exaustive table with some of the more drastic changes I can imagine, in no particular order. [...]