incel 43 - his people

japanese middle schooler sitting at desk wearing two eyepatches over both eyes and striking a chuunibyou pose

Will the incel know how to stop being a beta male when the time is right (not going after women)? He tells himself that he makes the choice not to associate with anyone of the opposite gender, but is he just deluding himself? Left and right, he sees girls he considers cute hooking up with guys he knows personally that aren’t any more charming or charismatic than him, and while from the start he had solid reasons to dismiss said girls as worthwhile targets, he can’t help but feel helpless as life passes him by and the circle of life rotates around him. He’s always thought of his strategy as holding out for the payout of a lifetime and not being pointlessly distracted by passing fancies, but he figures at some point, he actually needs to do something - get out of the starting line, so to speak.

But the incel doesn’t feel ready. He’s never felt ready and he doesn’t really know what the first actionable step is. He would feel like a Martian terrorizing local bystanders the moment he would try to steer the conversation towards what he really wants.

In the first place, where are his people? The incel thought he knew them - nerds, weebs, fandom followers - but they turned out to be exactly the opposite of ideal partners. The very people he fetishized just a year ago have become foreign and unrelatable as the years marinate his prefrontal cortex. There’s really no use in entertaining those fantasies and the goth gf meme. And forget about foreign relationships his diverse city friends have all seemed to embrace; if he can’t even open up to his own people, how on earth would he overcome the hurdles of intercultural communication?

That begs the question - what is the ideal woman, then? Maybe someone religious with a codified reason to not cheat on him that he can trust to carry this whole family project through to the end? Is that why religions exist, then? Are they all just big fertility cults? Biologically speaking, a virgin would be nice; Oxytocin is a real hormone with real effects on loyalty. Continuing with the trad meme, someone a few years younger than him and of a similar cultural upbringing would be nice as well. Tradition worked for his ancestors, so there must be some merit in doing what they did, right?