
zoomer tourist owned epic style by landchads


The world is so big I want to see. Literal translation of chinese characters to english as a caption. Anime girl holding sack of possessions on shoulder waving bye to the viewer with a stern face

It is currently eight in the morning and another bright sunny day in central Mexico on the second floor of my aunt’s apartment overlooking the town while I wait for my jet-lagged family to wake up. I am scribbling this on a quaint grade school notebook that cost eleven pesos at the corner bodega, as well as with a mechanical pencil I bought for 400 yen in Osaka the year before (peak globalism). All that said, here are a few takeaways from my trip so far.


innawoods plan pt 2 - concerns


stock image of asian family in their living room nonchalantly next to a gigantic rock that takes up half the room

How do I know that moving into the woods is the right move for me? Would I be doing it for the right reasons? Let’s think about it.

As of today, my vision is to stay in my hometown until June of next year. That way, I stay true to my promise to help my friend with his musical endeavors for the remainder of his time in the U.S., and additionally, I carry my efforts to study music to their logical conclusion by obtaining my bachelor’s degree and honing my lifelong craft as musician. After that, I will use the money I have saved up so far, in addition to everything I manage to save between now and then, to:


innawoods plan ver 1


What is my life narrative for the next ten years?