incel 33 - stop cooming

Katagiri-san manga. Manipulative girl wants to date spineless boy and fix him. Boy runs away. She calls out, “Don’t run away, you shit.”

The incel could start writing something cringy and self-pitying like “It’s the same thing every time” or “How do I stop the cycle?” to open a journal entry, but then he realizes that he’s actually known the road to enlightenment, albeit uncomfortable and painfully unglamorous, for the past few months now and simply refuses to take it - stop cooming. To clarify, just what “cycle” is he hellbent on stopping? That would be the fixation on a sexual object and the delusion of playing out some role set out for him by fate or a higher being to shoot his shot and take what is “rightfully” his.

What are the consequences of this cycle? The incel ends up vacillating very violently between being angry at himself for not taking the dozens of chances supposedly given to him, and being glad to resign himself and stay put by ignoring the target of obsession for the greater good of the immediate social group. He walks through this piece of game theory time and time again - not doing anything makes the most sense since the perceived reward is not greater than the risk he would have to take, especially in his sophomoric stupor. Personally, he likes when things make sense, and he is all for singularities when they arise, so if he can generalize ignoring his lymphatic fight-or-flight response during critical moments (being within close proximity of the offending stimulus) - akin to a fatass pining for junk food or a tweaker pining for heroin - he can forgive himself for being so stubborn and irrational. His sexuality is but another domain he has to conquer in his mission to dissociate himself from worldly pleasures and a s c e n d. However, he is not any cooler as a person for embarking on this mission (which by calling it a mission already comes across as a delusion of grandeur, but whatever) but this mission makes the most sense for him in this present moment.

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity, and while the incel most definitely encounters people that wouldn’t mind being in a relationship with him, he is never in the right head space to seek out these hidden gems and have a genuine desire to fulfill their lives. Friends always say to go with your gut instinct, usually under the pretext to do something you wouldn’t normally do, but in the incel’s case, his instinct tells him that all of his targets of affection have been purely physical and on his own exaggerated, idealized terms - in short, a waste of time and others’ time.