incel 31 - liabilities

manga panel of girl using flip phone and wearing a solid blue hat that says, “please be patient i have autism”

The incel is starting to feel that the women one courts tend to be liabilities rather than assets, and remembers his classmate complaining the other day about dating someone with no personality. Case in point, the incel recently hangs out with a friend of a friend, and the entire time, he can’t help but feel like he is babysitting her and walking on eggshells when it comes to steering the conversation. He is aware of the polarizing effect of the word “normie” but that word seems to be the most succinct summation of his feelings of sheer boredom and disillusion at trying to converse and reach common ground. There is no bark - no bite at all - with normies.

A new criteria for getting to know women and anyone for that matter dawns on the incel - admiration and respect. Without that, he just wants to get the fuck out of there - the same feeling he has when questionably stable classmates ask him out. Granted, there are a fair share of people that don’t fall neatly into this grid, but for the most part, he can use this heuristic to allocate his time and effort.

Turning this around to how people judge him, the incel would much rather be the weird dude instead of the boring dude.

But back to the opening premise, are there any woman in his circles he wouldn’t consider a liability? As far as he can see, not really. He’s willing to bet that all the good ones are either keeping to themselves or has found a relationship that works for them already. That isn’t to say that the “not good” ones are bad and somehow unworthy of any partner. Hell, he himself would probably fulfill a lot of people around him and be that special person in their life. But what would he gain from lying to himself and pursuing these low hanging fruits - intimacy, sex? It’s not worth it for him and not fair to them.

It isn’t like he’s hot shit or anything. The incel has his share of baggage, but he’s at a crossroads. The women he admires wouldn’t gain anything from him, and at the same time, he wouldn’t gain anything from the women that would admire him, assuming of course he wasn’t so antisocial teehee