Whole Wheat Juan

Full credit is given to the YouTubers and composers whose content makes up the majority of the stream. This metadata is displayed in media players as well as the Icecast directory (with a delay).

direct link to listen (non-SSL)


All times Pacific (Los Angeles)

time program
07:30 - 09:30 Whole Wheat Juan
09:30 - 10:45 infotainment
10:45 - 12:00 language learning
12:00 - 12:45 internet privacy
12:45 - 15:15 other talk
15:15 - 18:30 band
18:30 - 22:00 music
22:00 - 22:45 YTP
22:45 - 23:00 fiction
23:00 - 07:30 linux Unabomber


instrumental music; no verbal propaganda on the Lord’s day

program (bitrate in kbps) description
Whole Wheat Juan (24) The only original content, hence the bold text. Part of the brainstorm to blog pipeline. Unscripted, but silences are automatically truncated.
infotainment (24) A cute informative mini-podcast that was popular in the late 2000s
language learning (24) A disciple of Khatzumoto’s AJATT method who debunks common learning myths with personal evidence and observation.
internet privacy (24) A former I.T. worker who details the current state of digital surveilance and explains core principles for retaining digital sovereignty.
other talk (24) combination of social commentary and informative presentations
band (32) Rehearsal archive. I used to play bass for my friend while he lived in the States. Hear what the musical composition process is like!
music (32) Chiptune, tracker, retro video game background music, self-published work, and live versions of mainstream songs as well as their remixes. An extension of the playlists page. If you can Shazam it, you won’t find it here!
YTP (32) YouTube poops are video mashups that were all the rage in fringe internet circles from 2007-2010 but whose spirit lives on. This is the only block where censorship is more lax since offense and corruption is the point.
fiction (24) skits, comedy, snippets of TV shows, roleplays
linux Unabomber (24) goofy memer who dropped out of a P.H.D. program in linguistics to live in the countryside. He started out with Linux tutorials and later moved on independent lifestyle videos, later reaching his final form of leaving the internet and living an Orthodox Christian life.


Why do you use generic names for the YouTuber blocks instead of their actual names?

Some listeners might interpret a namedrop as their endorsement for all the ideas expressed in this stream, which is not the case. It’s also dishonest SEO wise; the focus on this page is the webmaster and his excuse to data hoard passion project.

Isn’t this stealing?

Nothing is programmed that can be directly paid for in current year. As for the lost ad revenue (fractions of a penny, but still), this stream generates $0.00 in revenue and using the metadata/tags to find the original content is encouraged. In any case, there isn’t really a 1:1 comparison between choosing something on demand and having it play by happenstance (the nature of radio) - kind of like how the free versions of Spotify and Alexa can only play playlists based on a song you ask for. In the case of videos, there aren’t even any visuals, so that’s already 50 percent peeled off before the 50 percent pulverized by LAME. Speaking of which…

Why is the bitrate so low?

Not everybody has good internet. 32 kbps is the highest a local dial-up connection or 2G (EDGE) data can hope for and is a minor third more than wideband. 24 kbps is even more reliable and is closer to AM radio. “Good enough” is the name of the game.

Why don’t you use a more modern codec like AAC or Vorbis/Opus?

Using royalty-free codecs is preferred, eliminating the M4A container. Compatibility with every web browser is also a priority, eliminating the OGG container. Blame Apple lol