
a lot of web 2.0 narcissism comes from the feedback loop of posting something and then feeling the urge/need to come back and acknowledge the likes or reply to comments. In contrast, a Web 1.0 blog post is posted and that’s the end of it - moving on to the next one. The most engagement that would go on is an email to the webmaster and if you’re lucky (or unlucky), a reply posted publicly.

Where did middle class, white “The Office” humor come from? Is it all a product of the media (rolling with and expanding on what the previous generation’s media left behind) or is this an example of “multiple outs” that Luke Smith brought up - the media always seems to be at the forefront of trends because it immediately abandons what falls by the wayside and runs with what makes the most money at any given moment, and even then, this process can’t be considered perfect (terrible reboots). But the question is the same: who or what is controlling the direction of normie humor?

an easy way to make money in the System is to do something that in some way feeds into the System and makes it stronger (YouTube influencer or any of the Arts, even though it’s actually hard work at the start and many don’t make it through)

reasons to delete all unoriginal content from stream: avoids fair use cope, no longer have to censor hundreds of hours, a YouTube link is a much more practical way to share cancer, hypocrisy of cringing at other people using Tik Tok and then turning around to glorify this specific brand of brain rot (2006 to 2016), more incentive to actually create stuff (maybe even song covers) which was the whole point in the first place. This focus on original content can also apply to the memes that adorn each blog post. The four alternatives are: make your own meme, draw, take a picture, or AI generate.

“The algorithm is sending me tranny s***. Help.” as if he has no agency on what his eyes consume. And almost by divine providence, Technology Connection’s latest video talks about this learned helplessness of people raised on algorithms.

Japanese pop star from the 90s making a bunch of jerky movements for the sake of “expression” but instead comes across as in need of some excorcisms… brings out the uncanny valley of the cheesy, fake set and cheesy, fake pop music in general. To give him credit, maybe he was constipated that day. He doesn’t smile at all, which might contribute to the “blink twice if you’re being tortured” aesthetic, but honestly, after seeing Barry Mantilow’s botox smile, it’s really a draw which one invokes more fear in the audience.

wanting to be as different than the boomers as much as possible by not blaring the same music over and over again and not being the audio equivalent of an autistic boy that will only eat chicken nuggets

running into an old friend and having their idiosyncransies jump out at you in a way you never noticed, which could be indicative of personal progress, but more fiendishly, in a way you forget about and get used to as quickly as you notice it. We really are just creatures of habit. Some divorced couples will pick up exactly where they left off after decades if they choose to share a breakfast.

working in the service industry is a good way to remain at least passively fluent in pop music. That must be the symbiotic relationship between the music producers and the consumers. If anything, you can go back later and relive a time you never lived just like everyone else buying overpriced tickets and swag

retail store loops are mainly stocked with irrelevant artists entire back catalog as well as relevant artists’ irrelevant back catalog (the songs everybody skips).

Varying mental states; in what can we trust? (Racist schizos and cholos being the average bus clientele)

Anecdote about neighbor that has gone through four generations of degeneracy - that’s where the idea of generational sin comes from, genetically speaking

not to blackpill or anything, but the initial assumption that everyone is your friend vs that they are not makes all the difference and is hard to change later in life

Anime/media is cool because you can experience whimsical gypsy/tweaker interactions without any of the setup or takedown (pain or consequences) you’d need when talking to a real one

“I’m gonna have a talk with him to see if he’d consider giving his estate when he passes away to the church. Imagine what the church, I mean, you guys could do with 7 million dollars.”

Anhedonia can help you conquer vices but can lead you right back to them or to other ones if the void isn’t filled with something intentionally better - the idea of breaking to build anew

Wikipedia: “Self-confidence?” Is that what you call the blatantly sexual lyrics to Espresso?

“Half of my class is rich Chinese kids browsing shopping sites on their phone during class.” - Korean-American talking about UCI

Catholic mixer unironically being primarily immigrant African men like in that legendary Facebook marketplace post - “I want to marriage a clever lady with nice battacks and virgin genitalia.” disappointing

Trying to catch a cathedral in its tracks (corruption, usually of the financial kind) - maybe the top donator plaques?

being “on display” like a friggin monkey during college tours. Am I feeding into a pipeline?

any performance art (music, dance, sports) involves a healthy dose of neuroticism. either laser focus or squirrel brain

having anime dialouge of entire series is the best way to passively immerse in Japanese, but is retreating back to fantasy worlds during every pocket of free time any better than reflexively busting out your phone to check your Instagram for the 100th time that day? This fantasy world can’t be good for you, especially the more you (hopefully) understand your target language. Do the language gains really justify the brain rot? You have no interest in consooming the american equivalent (comic books?) so why does anime get the OK? It shouldn’t. is irrelevant now - breaking free from the echo chamber of music but still admiring from afar

boss at work can’t imagine committing six digits to short term memory - just how scared are people of math?

youtube comments always affirm the opinion of the person who would choose to watch said video in the first place. “Wow, everyone just happens to like what I like! I must have impeccable taste!”

“wow, you’re always studying” just because you’re on a computer doesn’t mean you’re hard at work lol. this is the state of smartphones in current year, not to mention that most kids can’t even visualize a file system (folders)

orthodox requires a rejection of modern culture. This sounds obvious, but makes convincing older parents/friends difficult who are very happy with what the system has given them or at the very least convinced that their way is the only way

“there is no such thing as an absence of fashion” - Japanese leader of a three-piece melodic noise group who did his undergrad in Philosophy (so his words gotta mean somethin….)

same fascination with music performance and radio propagation

girls of the school of music exchanging spiritual crystals next to vietnamese catholic apologist lol

encountering toxic inquirers of the faith gives you a chance to practice being true to yourself and speaking up when the conversation topics turn south - tactfully and in good faith, of course.

there is an evolutionary limit on how hedonist any given population can be. A little bit keeps the orphanages full, but after a certain point, there is no reason to have any kids at all, and the lineage dies there. Granted, there is an environmental factor; someone who would otherwise be pressured to keep their illegitimate children by society and tradition is a very likely candidate for having an abortion in a free state (what does it mean to be free, but that’s for later).

Come to think of it, I only started to watch Luke Smith after deleting my YouTube account and weening myself off the algorithm - reaction to Rob Braxman’s claims about suppression and amplification

White people learning Rosetta stone same as protestants making their worship as soft as possible

Too wonderbread for the degenerates but too degenerate for the pious - no mans land

Local orthodox are all broken in the same way - they all talk like Luke smith lol. Inquirerers have the issue of how much they (unconsciously) project their own traits on people and how they reconcile with their own idiosyncrasies.

Disney tapes - raising a whole generation of kids. Imagine paying to be brainwashed

Really materialistic young girls next to really pious and trad grandmas that just want to earn their lot in a foreign country - minimum wage work breakrooms

Coffee’s fight or flight response leads to less patience for both mediocre people and mediocre anime lol

“You can’t lift more with a back brace.” The things you can do now on medication aren’t things you should strive for in the first place. Sure, you can lift more with progressive overload, but there is increased risk of injury with every increment

Similar to cell phones vs desktop computers, piano vs guitar. Back facing vs front facing

Desktop PCs have a big screen so you can share with others, as opposed to small laptop screens and even smaller phone screens

Getting used to the idea of listening to musicians younger than you; ripping off that band-aid (some people never do)

getting off the internet being extended to all realms of technology. You don’t learn about real life through TV, the radio, or even a book.

bank is racist lol. jk it just refuses to load in Mexico

The average female ranch dog that is desperate for affection, belittled for doing so, and protected at all cost against leaving home to get said affection and getting knocked up (to no avail if the amount of stray dogs is any indication). Oh wait, the same could be said for the women lmao

it’s easy for white people to feel that we’re in a post-religious age; there’s simply less overt, interpersonal evil walking the streets. What’s the correlation?

friendly non-westerners on ham radio bands (Japanese, Mexicans), might come from the cooperative vs individualist dichotomy.

matching eq using only ffmpeg and no proprietary garbage is harder than it seems

coming up with the rule to end all rules for technology use. Is it possible or something even worth persuing? As easy as it is to say, “no phone equals more smart” overarching rules and interdisciplinary patterns seldom line up that easily. That’s just autism lol

Using an appeal to tradition and to the Lindy effect works well today to support Orthodoxy but by definition doesn’t extend to the past itself. At some point, our ancestors chose to abandon their pagan practices and adopt the new kid on the block - Christianity. Shouldn’t we all be pagan (or at least Hindu if you want good documentation)? Sure, Orthodoxy is more likely to be right than modern, feel-good Protestantism, but where do we draw the line?

Where does the obsession to create come from, or the paranoia that the media is actively working to keep you sedated with social media, video games, and porn (mindless consoomer)?

this radio stream is just an excuse to wallow in nostalgia and self-importance (“The stuff I consumed is based and worth sharing - nothing like the propaganda you consumed” but said in a smug tone lacking self-awareness)

Yandex can either be called the last “real” search engine or the premium hub of russian propaganda and obfuscation depending on who you ask lol. Either way, it’s conspiracy central. What is the role of the media in assuring free speech?

Can coffee instill the fear of God in already anxious people?

How to channel the critical nature of this text file/podcast without becoming just another commentator or fostering an environment of judgement or hatred?

“Could never be me. I don’t have anybody to buy me an annual pass [at Disneyland],” overheard. Trad values and consumerism aren’t mutually exclusive, apparently

People have been trained to consume product before producing (learned helplessness). George carlin videos full of the same comment, “if only he were alive today, he would have so much material” to which one aptly replied:

To everyone here, stop whining about the fact he’s not here anymore! Be George Carlin yourself! Stand up for what he believed in! Stand up for yourself, your brother sister and your children! No one is gonna save you, the only one who can do that is yourself! Get a grip on life!

older lady riding bus with walker demanding driver to move vietnam veteran out of her spot. he moves on his own volition and points to his hat which the lady reprimands as a blatant deception on behalf of the government and swears no respect for. enters and leaves without any goodbyes or thank yous. Here’s the kicker - on paper, she did nothing wrong even if the way she did everything reeked of entitlement and disrespect. Would you like to live in a world filled with people like that? Hers was, apparently (hurt people hurt people).

tweakers following rap music to its logical conclusion and blaring it in their earholesas validation 24/7 - not too different from some people you might know who get nervous when they can’t stim with music from their adolescense. which came first - the chicken or the egg?

the proper place/role of paranoid people in the gene pool/apocalyptic scenarios

luke smith, “tv was a mistake” - the original way to get your child to shut up. taken for granted that you needed to have a TV, and a big one at that

lutherans got my catechism teacher in a bad mood - same guy that claims to have renounced the internet in the 90s because he could see what it would become (cespool of arguing, same Usenet users arguing about the same things, a la 4chan). Why does he have youtube comments turned off? In general, sounds like Miles Mathis persecution/truth complex

“wow, it’s so good to have male music teachers” and “wow, it’s so good to have a worker speak in spanish” - praise that masks reasoning behind doing the contrary / Hopko rule 46 on how to use criticism productively

church musicans and all of their heuristics in lieu of western music theory; wouldn’t know what to do in an academic setting

a traditional world isn’t very amenable to women because their success and happiness depends on whether or not the man follows throught with his trad values (honor, fidelity, charity, etc.). He has much less to lose than the woman in the gender swapped scenario. The trad answer to domestic violence is, “choose a better partner lol”, or is this feminist NPR-tier propaganda?

selling your soul to music; all gigging musicians have the same mannerisms and same approach to time - one gig after another (that was a cool gig)

does converting to a different religion undermine the other two big factors for identity - ethnicity and language?

free market capitalism leads to unaffordable housing in the cities. maybe a blessing in disguise since the only alternative is to move somewhere else

americans not being able to hear japanese pitch accent and only being able to correct it after working their ear to perceive it first - just like pitch and rhythm in music. Could the same be said of God/the truth?

separating artist’s work from personal life - 田中秀和. every time you listen, especially with the conveniently vague lyrics (指の先まで痺れさせてあげる, 後のことなら忘れさせてあげる, 落ち込んでるキミも大丈夫), you have to deal with the fact that the same imagination led him to… are all artists a little crazy? do people who share it have a moral obligation not to? isn’t that how cancel culture started?

what is your escapism of choice? bonding over it

is speaking slightly lobotomized de wey (do you know)? restricting one’s freedom to allow others to do the same?

as you start simplifying your life, other’s people’s flaws might start becoming painfully apparent. the next step is to remember how obvious your blind spots are to others.

feeling guilty about even entertaining the notion of using disposable income on anime streaming or digital music downloads when that money could go to savings, investments, or best of all, charity and almsgiving

spending all day without saying a word to anyone isn’t normal. how could anyone grow up thinking it is? it’s even more surreal when you’re surrounded by people in an urban setting like a coffee shop or a university. that space is where depression can seep in.

tear the paper ceiling and the ad council. i thought everything advertised was bad. what could they want (ulterior motive)?

no one in protestant church wanting to do personal reflections. generic, sometimes irrelevant responses during interactive sermons (not the whiteboard!). Person that thought the prerecorded guitar track was me and my bass. This is what happens when you let the people take over the show. university and church gig create manufactured consent when they open the floor to comments. The Reddit effect

bill wurtz sounding reasonable in interviews after socializing with Orthodox

yt-dlp experiment failed in liquidsoap - vps ip address flagged as bot lol

roommate having japanese guys hit on her with the exact same script. matt vs japan memorizing two kanji because those were the ones that natives would ask him to write to prove he could do everything

matt vs japan 3 hour video - echo chamber of approval of destructive behavior

homer simpson next to virgin mary sculpture on grass being sold on McFadden ave

all the networking and white people strategies i learned applying to private schools are coming into play in the process of making a name for myself in the orthodox oc scene. Of course, the path to theosis doesn’t end at such a superficial and worldly aim, but part of accepting Orthodoxy is accepting Orthodox christians, and that happens through honest conversations and fellowship. Surprisingly, this business-like hand-shaking approach of making friends hasn’t invoked the same feeling of cringe it has when applied to the secular world - primarily through finding work. Maybe the ultimate red pill is realizing that socializing outside of the framework of God and spreading good will is worthless. That doesn’t mean that one should only associate with like-minded people, although that is a good way to build a support system, but rather that holding something else in the place of God collectively among your peers - work, academia, the opposite sex - carries the risk of losing yourself and what you really stand for when you take the time to hear yourself through the deafening silence.

Orthodoxy almost requires a black pilling with respect to fiction. Time is so short to be wasting on fancies when we can really be getting to the root of our past or our future (nonfiction). If I wouldn’t indulge in modern western animation, why would I give myself a free pass to waste time with anime? For the language practice? Why not just do what I would do in English but in Japanese - red pilling books. “They’re too hard” isn’t an excuse anymore. You’re already at 2000 word fluency. Assuming of course learning a minority language is even worth the time, you can hack away at spicy literature while repping anki cards and that should carry you all the way to the end. Hey, you might just see the world through a whole new lens as a result!

what do tweakers/normal people do when they lose their phone? We don’t have payphones anymore and it’s unlikely that a random business would let them use their phone.

the impact of music changes with the key that you hear it in, and that in turn depends on how ingrained the song is in your mind and what you were doing while you were hearing it. theory: cooming addicts you to the music you were listening to in the moment and changing a song’s key is a good way to hear a song objectively without that pavlovian response

checking 4chan post-election day after 6 month detox. oh, that’s why luke smith speaks like that. why is there porn in this thread; it has nothing to do… you say you hate trans but you have a folder full of trollbait images - kinda gay…

Liberal friend reacting the same to Luke Smith’s take on video games as the average redditor - kneejerk hostility. quote from one of his articles:

…the journey to getting red-pilled is not something that can be explained. If I could just explain it, tell it to you, it wouldn’t be the true story. It is a varied, and in each case, personal journey, that one goes on.

Although you’ve been lied to, it’s not the lies that’s the problem. As an adult, you can a lot of the times tell when the media is manipulating you, especially in the last past decade it’s gotten so obvious even a Boomer could see it. But what you don’t see is how when you were lied to (or told selective truths) as a child, you didn’t have the same BS-detector, and that allowed a lot of deep-seated impressions about the world to be formed. So a lot of people who don’t believe anything the media says now (rightly) are still mind-cucked. They accept the programming and differ on the details.

I will give you this hint. Basically all of your programmed emotional responses are your enemies. There was an old Moldbug blog post where he talked about even far after “awaking from his dogmatic slumber,” he still was surprised that if he saw a group of Nazi LARPers, he would reflexively have a pang of emotional stress, but if he saw Stalinist LARPers, he wouldn’t have the same kind of emotional reaction. I think everyone raised in the West has that same programmed reaction. You might know with your head that the communist death count is supposed to be higher and the suppression wider, but it doesn’t click because you weren’t made sensitive to it.

A good heuristic is whenever you see one of these emotional responses, especially an emotional response to a political term: democracy, equality, racism, feminism, literally all of them actually, your Pavlovian conditioning is telling you to avoid an intellectual area specifically because it is the ideological weak spot of the background propaganda of modernism. If it was not a weak spot, there would be no harm in you being allowed to calmly investigate it. People’s thoughts are regulated in liberal democracy not by laws, but by psychological programming that goes off when someone is tempted to evaluate an idea they’re not supposed to. Okay, actually I guess in Europe they’re regulated by that and laws, and it’s coming to America very, very soon now.

the marriable man is more wealthy and less anxious than the woman. Ergo, the Reddit philosopher working at McDonalds fights an uphill battle.

listening to b gata h kei insert song - wow, this music is for loser incels lmao

japanese friend’s mom having a classical/renaissance painting of the virgin mary. “Oh, is your mom Christian?” “No, not at all.” “…” not trying to gatekeep or anything, but i guess millenials with tattoos do also buy buddist statues and vishnu paintings on impulse at tj maxx. this is the same lady that considered joining one of those new age apocalypse cults but on a fancy asked his son his opinion before doing so. “What, are you crazy? No!” during COVID, just trying to make sense of the world, you can’t blame her. But the only tools she was given in her toolbox were Western ones. this is why Orthodoxy is pretty much unheard of in Japan. The west got to her first and now we have sappy Protestant guitar hours both there and in the diaspora. Anyting else is alien.

hikari fm and i both reject modernity and westernism, but go about it from different angles - different ointments for the wound. One is God and the other are obscure and dangerous political and social ideologies that marinate online.

orthodox have fixation on relics and their superpowers as well - same superstitions as catholics and their spiritual warfare people

homeschooled friend reacting to luke smith’s video on freedom - “that’s stupid”

luke smith strat for creating content - complain about things in your life and simply change the pronouns (projection in the psychological sense)

tech for tech’s sake + antisocial people (black pilled)

why hate people but like music?

university low key blocks yandex; i wonder why…

you have to be a little schizophrenic to be a good christian lol

orthodox following conservative vs atheist/agnostic/new-age spiritual liberals - fundamentally based on a person’s relationship with fellow man - either positive or negative (optimistic vs pessimistic). A good way to red pill someone is to make them look at the world outside of the media and begin to question whig history (progressivimsm)

questioning intentions to convert to orthodoxy; does one do it just to be “based and red pilled”. in that case, he is no better than the evangelicals who make their faith their outward personality - in a bugman way as opposed to a quiet yet steadfast identity. Someone who revels in being able to call themselves a member of x has reason to be skeptical of their intentions.

not living the faith that you would reccomend to others

liking a modern pop song that is cleverly composed is like admiring the architechture of a satanist temple. Sure, the imagery is evil, but the objective, physical calculations that had to be done for a building to stand a certain way is worthy of respect, even if you couldn’t care less about the represented culture.

the same person at work that critisized a policy change was now extoling its virtues and ridiculing the old way of doing things. textbook 1984

falling out of love with the media. normies have no reason to separate themselves from the system because it has given them everything they want and they’re good at navigating it. it was built for them after all, and to some extent, it built them up with ideas on how to thrive and enjoy life in the system. being nostalgic for 2002 era music - the last time I felt a connection with society at large

the consensus of an article (looked up by google mind you) on where the most unbiased source of information is came to the conclusion that Reddit is the answer. wut

have already been conditioned to think “what does cnn or the nyt say about this topic”

whatever you choose to work in, there’s always a sense in “whoring yourself out” until people know you and trust you

listening to librarian gossip is a good way to gauge people’s priorites in that community

spending money on a junk car just to sell it off is akin to spending time in a ruined marriage just to divorce. having the idea of opportunity cost in the back of your mind (why would i pay more for repairs than the cost of the car when there are way better cars for the same price. just replace cars with women. Marriage is supposed to remedy that bit of game theory.

the reason I wanted to control all the other students in preschool is because that’s how I learned to socialize from my parents. I didn’t know there were other ways to get people to do what you want lol

caravan of trump 24 flyers driving trucks and jeeps, about 15 cars

country music only makes sense in the south. texas is both the past and the future. connection to luke smith quote. still seeing people tatted up; don’t know what I was expecting lol

jaime foxx show - who acts like this? such a narcissistic way of screenwriting

luke smith: risk tolerated/sought vs income. i have already been corrputed in that regard paying 2k for a car repair, where an equivalent hispanic would have yolo’d it

terrible department store radio with a clear female shift is reason enough to avoid working there. for every 1 honest and empowering song there are 10 psychotic, hedonistic, and antisocial ones. bandleader complaining about disneyland style speaker systems that you can’t escape from. hobby lobby nearby features instrumental music instead. easier to tune out if you’re not in the mood to be brainwashed

8th grade english video project praising method over substance

allies in unexpected places - autistic classmate that turned out to be the most consistently reasonable in the room

mathis and varg insisting that they were reincarnated and that they can feel it. mathis and braxman are obsessed with haters. luke smith and mathis “what are you going to go down in history for?”

having a 401k means depending on the system. is that justifiable? is avoiding the fortune 500 companies just a larp? would doing so be ethically meaningful in any way? is the improved coherence in values worth the tradeoff of investment returns? How can I say that I boycott big business when I indirectly give them thousands of dollars a year to prosper and grow even bigger?

new way to categorize anime. “do no harm” so avoid all H and bloody gratuitous action. that still leaves shows that do no good either (lucky star)

“my gf thought her life was a movie” oh, how old was she “14 lol”

“devil priest” on spiritual warfare (oh, don’t call me that!) - “our white boys are doing voodoo”

people with 4-year degrees earn more than those without because one of the only places they can find work that pays them well is in the cities and the suburbs, where the cost of living is higher. That is, if they were to be a janitor in rural oklahoma vs young, hip San Francisco, you’d still make more just by virtue of mininum wage laws and the welfare benefits of blue states/counties. You’d still be screwed in the city unless you got a job in your specialization, though, because of increased competition in the lower tiers. The theory that Luke Smith purported that no job is a dead end job in the countryside I have still yet to test, but the logic remains.

rule of thumb “avoid what is advertised” works pretty well in either saving money or supporting local businesses (usually both), but the question is how tightly to define/delineate the object being avoided. If I hear a commerical for a specific hamburger, that could mean avoiding only that burger, avoiding that chain, or avoiding hamburgers altogether. The more broad you go, the more thought-provoking and beneficial this exercise becomes, at the expense of removing vast swathes of modern life (probably a good thing, lololol)

miles mathis in general - highly narcissit but nevertheless a complete genius and a good male role model. will my life story ever be interesting enough to warrant sharing? what do i have to get people on my side, or to get people to learn from me. This fixation on narcissist content creators (luke, varg, mathis, moldbug) - where does it come from? but they’re not all narcissist - james ellis is pretty normal.

“I am not against milking the system for your gain” - Luke Smith. “Boycott everything” - Miles Mathis

bracing myself to get shit talked like my first minimum wage job by hispanic men. maybe it’s a trial? if i stick to my guns, maybe they’ll grow to respect me and question their machismo ways

wall of magazines at the public library. vestige of the past - back then when they were the gateway for fast and cheap socialization.

unironically wanting to watch more manime, or at least, only tolerating media with strong male role models

Hispanic education not holding any accountability - doctrina

eroge and hentai being normal stepping stones to fulfilling careers in acting and singing in Japan. That would never slide in conservative america. is that because of the puritan/quaker upbringing (albion’s seed). Imagine the actor for clifford the big red dog having done porno before (well, the roles check out). bugman me looking to japan for the future of the whig story (progress) and society - sex everywhere. perhaps it’s an exaggeration. otakus are still the black sheep of society. in all actuality, japanese pop culture is clean (idol groups) compared to supermodel-obsessed latin america (telemundo ads). aging populating meme

liberal friend being skeptical of america as a country (not respecting the flag)

it isn’t just fatherless people that like andrew tate. a friend with two loving parents who is a weeb is surprisingly conservative (Texas)

winning an award for absolutely nothing - high school english. later learning at it was meant to encourage me to not fail lol

going through dx clips, realizing that while i’m aware that the clips are cringe just like all media is, they don’t feel cringe because they’re not talking to me. they’re talking to people of the 90’s, but that doesn’t make it any less sinister, of course

asian girl at checkout stand “oh, i don’t have a job” “oh, i don’t have any free time as a student” almost proudly as a badge of honor, reveling in the pain. being a struggling student is their personality. connect to Luke’s video “Most people want eternal suffering” quote from James Ellis “Only Ever Freedom”:

But I still haven’t managed to draw this back to the modern world and freedom, and that’s because herein lies modernity’s self-deprecating nihilism. The deep yet surface level fiendish tyranny we find on the tip of the tongue of many moderns. Despite the elusiveness of the logic I have described, the maliciousness of schooling, and the artificial prison which seeks to hide itself, modernity knowingly mocks itself; the modern world has a built-in tyrannical valve for individual and collective catharsis. Here’s where things get a little peculiar.

On Monday’s one might hear amidst exasperation ‘Here we go again…’ on Wednesday ‘Halfway there!’, and on Friday ‘Thank God it’s the weekend, I needed it!’ the agreed upon defeat beneath ‘Same again tomorrow!’ the collective agreement that a holiday is on par with salvation. Beneath modern actions isn’t found (in my opinion) a rally cry against work in its entirety, but against the promises which seemed to have never appeared. In spite of everything, we proclaim, with ironic defeat, we are not happy or fulfilled, and yet, we carry on. Samuel Beckett’s exhaustively repeated phrase ‘Fail again. Fail better’, needs to be replaced with ‘Holiday again. Holiday better.’ The point is that implicit within this exasperated language is a collective subconscious acknowledgment that we are, in fact, within that metaphorical prison cell we have already spoken of. But instead of this existential exhaustion being used as fuel to get up off our feet and jump out of the prison cell, it is instead subsumed by modernity, back into modernity itself as a means to release the pressure of its own absurdity. This is an extremely malicious form of control.

seeing young girls in your life become more npc as they get older. of course some is normal, but that begs the question, why do we accept that as such? chicken or egg situation - is it the social media that causes the personality or the personality that causes the person to rely on social media so much?

28.45 kbps - average bitrate of off hours. change live harbor to 32k

going to a concert dressed like the artist, creating a feedback loop of consumption

gate program separating all the normies from the try hards

icecast vs hls. implement nrj operator. only record output when live?

mind waking up buzzing with ideas

how far should one take the minimalism meme?

is watching tv an occasion of sin?

the most transphobic i’ve ever heard a priest in the flesh (internet doesn’t count)

is working for a heretical subsect of christianity an occasion of sin

hispanic catholic churches being full of families

The bad about TV is the opportunity cost of not doing something else productive. For kids, it’s not talking to their parents and building lifelong communication and emotional skills and for adults, it’s not stirring in your own juices until the desire to bring about change surges out of them naturally arises. Being bored is good, but since the beginning of urbanization, we are inculcated that consuming product is good, fashinonable, and an easy way to fill in the void. Have you taken a good look at the state of children’s toys today? If the toy isn’t branded under some trademark, it’s usually modelled after adult amenities (toy cell phone, toy microwave, toy register). Once you realize that children, left to their own devices, are being taught to embrace modernity right under the noses of parents that don’t think twice about buying the chinese plastic that gets their brat to shut up, you can’t help but feel sick to your stomach.

An easy way to prevent your kids from being influenced by bad friends is to prevent them from maintaining any friends in the first place. Prevent them from leaving the house, and they build that invisible force field around themselves called the “homeschooled spunk” without them actually having to be enrolled in some expensive academy. Amazing! /s Jokes aside, there are better ways to accomplish the same ends, which is especially relevant to people living in low socioeconomic places where escapism is rampant (inverse coorelation between being a weeaboo and how much money your parents have. same curve can be seen for rap music. Not a single hentai sticker in a privte university parking lot)

when it comes to choosing what content to consume, make the assumption that you live under the regime of your country’s enemy - in my case, that would be China, Russia, North Korea, etc. Assuming that your country isn’t using the same propaganda tactics on its own citizens is wishful thinking. What makes your world superpower any different? That automatically eliminates all news and most spoken word formats. Even Christian religious formats are in kahoots with conservative (which according to Moldbug, is a LARP of its own) thinktanks, so caution is needed there, too. Even alternative platforms born during the wild west of the internet like YouTube have been neutered into serving “appropiate” content. Appropriate for whom? The Cathedreal and the corporate sponsors, of course! What about music? Music is the bastard, non-conformist child of propaganda because of its ability to derive pleasure and entertainment on its own, regardless of the coherence of its lyrics. Granted , even instrumental music has a cultural background and communicates mutually agreed upon symbols, but that can be severed from its (poisioned) root pretty easily. Super-progressive universities still put on Christmas programs even though the majority of their audience is neither Christian nor living in a state of grace, with lyrics and all. This is an example of the opposite, actually - sacred music being used in a secular context. EDM is not satanic; it’s simply the affiliation with the culture of LSD, MDMA, and other psychodelics, which by definition are satantic. Here’s a thought experiment - raise a kid with no access to the outside world besides a radio. What music will they like? Without the socialization aspect or proclivity of simply choosing to like what their friend likes, the music that the kid ends up picking can be said to be operating under a higher order appeal to order and aesthetic. Now, the kid isn’t aware of that. He’ll need to be at least 12 to articulate something that pretentious (lol). And of course, where you choose to play out that experiment plays a huge role. The best effect is seen if you plop him or her in a foreign country where all the lyrics are incomprehensible. After all, Hollywood is really good at selling your own dreams back at you, which for an 8 year old, are usually fleeting and impulsive. Any lyrics that embrace this default state of man will seep their way into any kid’s playlists.

growing an instinctual aversion to the “burger king foot lettuce” vocal delivery style. being condescended to. was aware of this since age 9 or so, along with the trashiness of daytime tv

やっぱり, the news is a huge waste of time. swanging.wav in the important videos playlist and the butterfly effect. similar to how image generation programs work (at least, my understanding). a little deviation in the start leads to drastic changes later on. tradeoff similar to stars in the galaxy - between time sensitive content that burns out quickly but that gives people a chance to dance in the ring and make a few bucks vs. meaningful content that is a “slow burn.” going through other privacy-minded content creators and sifting through videos that don’t matter today. there are some intersections. metaverse video zooms out on the macro scale to show the futility of forced AI progress. but in general, there is an inverse relationship between effort and lasting power. factor in money, and then you see why the internet is littered with tik-toktier filler. Jesus never said the path to salvation was easy. Mat 7:13-14:

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

being skeptical in general of large groups of people. george carlin and the “tiny hats”

laughing at the face of perversion vs succuming to it. is there any justified reason to “go there?” mental outlaw video on coomer advertising

things that would normally be cringe to hear, especially from the opposite gender, seem right in your L2 because most likely, you haven’t made the effort to go out and learn how you really fit into their world and would rather keep on reaffirming the world you have built in your mind over how this entire subsect of the world behaves, usually in your favor. emphasize with the kpop stans. not having friends was probably the missing link - people are the most powerful agents of socialization?

sarcasm and its role in trivializing morality. swearing off of it?

i am first progam partners people with mentors. pit in my stomach the more i interacted with this guy. this guy isn’t cool or meaningful, his work isn’t cool or meaningful, no inspiration at all. despite having come from the very bottom of couch surfing to finish his degree and taking the bus to and back every day. the effort is respected, but what was it all for? disney lol. was always tempted to ask him if he is satisfied and what he would do otherwise, but refrained from doing so out of politeness. friend volunteering as a mentor and attesting to the fact that college is shilled disproportionally compared to alternatives like trade school

priority order of place hunting: house to income ratio - lower is better. median age - is life actually happening here, or do people come here after they lived it? demographics - will my family be welcomed?

surreal seeing lines and commotion for graduation - just like in the propaganda

living without internet. drummer’s words:

consuming a remote minimalist lifestyle is also consumption

being vaguely confused and bored by asmr. self reinforcing pattern of thought, “This is normal”

all the christians in my life have this aura of having their lives figured out and are great to talk to and be around

Mother’s day capitalism

Saw a guy straight out of an iPod commerical. First instinct: is this guy on drugs. Bright red sweater

Talking to everyone the same

Somehow, the school of music has everybody performing a Mass with sacred text, so any talk of religious persecution, at least here in the States, is unfounded

robot 36 - zoom up to the face as much as possible now that auto-ducking is being used, reducing quality and intelligibility

listen to random streams to pay it forward and learn things

find something to take up the ytp hour slot on sunday

why go back to aac-lc: SBR is annoying to listen to for long periods of time, at least as a trained musician

ironically, being accountable to people keeps me in check. gives me a reason to be on my five senses and be a good role model

feeling like a eunich at work

Spent the entirely of watching someone’s recital fantasizing about what I could do with mine

on bus tik tok Just an excuse to ogle the opposite gender - not anything new. boomers and zoomers alike

Barack Obama is your new bicycle style for bumpers

“Girlfriends are retarded the first two months, but it gets better, trust me.”

18 points for technology use. a la Mental Outlaw - basically just reading something and offering comments as they come up - easy formula for content

Purble place and other hurr durr matching games training kids to be good retail employees - recovering department. Jk pattern recognition is a universal skill. What I cannot stand is the register toys

the good thing about being a cashier is that even if you get Karens, you deal with them for an average of one minute and then probably never see them after they swear that they’ll never be back. It’s not like they’re your boss, which they would be if you’re a self employed trade or a white collar worker. If you don’t like somebody at a job that continges on the happiness of a few specific priveleged people, you’re screwed. ministry of any protestant church in an affluent area

coffee Complacency liquid

Pick a job that you can leave at work, or at least, doesn’t force you to deal with people outside the office

Seeing MFF asmr roleplay whose thumbnail had the most chisled chin and most protruding bulge I’ve ever seen in a cartoon man. Damn, this must be the cringe women feel when they see hentai wraps

Consuming useful, exotic content to share - a catalyst of self improvement Fine line between telling people how to think and giving them the tools and research to empower them Reading books to have things to talk about lmao

Insecure, anxious type following an alpha chad around like a rescued puppy - why do certain relationships work?

another reason to go back to potato quality - fair use clause. there is no way any lawyer would consider this quality to be a substitute for the real deal, which is one of the four considerations of fair use in the US. now, the composition of the work is still under jeopardy, but that probably only applies to selling sheet music or arrangements of a work. anything can be considered infringement if the words are fudged enough lol

Caring about music too much to study it paradoxically enough. It’s hard to care that much about math. It’s usually a means to an end

recursive asking of “for what”

liking individual people but being skeptical of groups, a la George Carlin conservatives are caring towards their neighbor and apathetic towards far away groups of people. Liberals/Progressives are apathetic towards their neighbor but caring towards far away groups of people. Who said this?

time of the day that i choose to record makes a big difference even as an introvert, it’s better to record after having talked to people extensively, like after school or after work the words just come out like melted peanut butter on toast, as opposed to speaking first thing in the morning, which resembles refrigerated crunchy butter on bread (scrapes and painful for days)

another benefit of having done the third person game is that I have lived through the process of speaking in a way conducive to editing (no filler words, correct grammar).

new process for finding and sharing new music

two rules of thumb for adding music to the station:

There is still a mental lag that goes on as sentences with those words are transformed on the fly to alternative ways to say pretty much the same thing. That’ll probably never go away, but it should get better, akin to Matt vs Japan’s description of speaking a foreign language - “like putting on a glove”. It doesn’t bother you, but you always feel it there.

a good way to distinguish recorded streams from live streams is allowing the use of the words “I” and “me” again.

now that luke smith unironically has a place on the lineup, i can stop mentioning him so much lol

put a half second of delay at the begining to not cut off handshake

being on your five senses/on your a game is cool! why would anyone want to be otherwise? en español, tengo la libertad de halbar de anecdotas demaciados especificas y tener confianza de que cuya gente no tendrán el interes o la paciencia de oír. getaway trip to vegas. la gente sueñan/tienen illusiones de andar borracho/as

rompecabeza de añadir anuncios breves cada cinco minutos

being bothered at how inert tv is

ham radio - the hobby of talking about your hobby. “let me tell you about my setup” lol

people talk a lot. people make the bold assumption that other people care about their little squabbles. but maybe that’s what it means to be intimate?

lack of health care is what keeps people praying to god. guy on the bus that reflexively kept thanking god

reading church bulletin, making comparisons between all the workshops and retreats to go to and those of the school of music? is academia or music for music’s sake really just a stand in for religion in this post modernist age? it fulfills a lot of the same social functions after all. would it be safe to say that whereever you spend your time and energy is where your heart truly lies? might explain the gradual disgust over something that filled a very important niche not that long ago - the sense that something is off and that the people around you want different things than you

use xbox live mic as car mic going into nokia?

church music brain. it seems no matter where you go, you get people crushed by where they choose to invest their time. Reminds me of Chinese drummer’s description of the sweatshop factory life (that he didn’t live or else he wouldn’t be in the states lmao) - people have all their friends, all their social gatherings, and even their weddings in the factory. famous meme of tj maxx homegoods tattoo on an overweight hispanic mom’s lower back. whereas we’re all guilty of tunnel vision to some extent, some more than others lol, it just comes across as mediocrity and complacency

the truncate silence isn’t perfect. if the noise floor is high, like a car driving by, that sound will remain. funnily enough, the less silence there is, the higher the threshold will be, eliminating more silence. speaking fluently unless otherwise necessary is still encouraged, in that case.

being a trained singer means having an ear for intonation and being able to match snippets of sentences better. tone deaf people, or anyone who is not aware of their voice over time, wouldn’t have the same success.

seiyuu folder lol

separation between what the famous content creators do and what the consumers do, although there is proably some overlap (trash taste and twitter)

asmrtists that don’t smile are the best

using the word “girl.” equal opportunity by calling men boys

“have fun at your post service after service” Why people don’t like the second Vatican council - the personalization of the liturgy. particularly egrigious father at a local hispanic church - don’t know how he became a father or what went wrong. extraordinary form - i noticed that the secret has the petitions embedded. the extreme trend of personalization is protestantism - you’re a cuck to whatever the boomers will throw money at, which is usually feel-good pep talks

have more of a sense of humor, not take myself so seriously. anxiety probably carries accross


rule of thumb - adjust time slots based on how much content exists. avoid repeating too often. especially band rehearsals - it’s the only source that cannot be replenished (as is, at least)

only including works from movements that embody copyleft ideas. remix culture. ytps have tennis and i’m sure no one bought the dvds. modscene used each others’ samples

getting really good at flirting with the line of copyright infringement. hypothesis: a song is a combination of melody and chords. conclusion: melody is a no no, but chord progression is OK. there goes my idea to take my recorder to the studio, big zad. the key then is to choose songs with unique progressions and reproduce the other parameters of music as accurately as possible (rhythm, key, dynamics, texture). modulations are a good candidate. that also goes for voice leading - change it up

getting the skill to quickly gauge how much time you have for a given topic and decide whether or not you talk about it or stall for time

study japanese radio for intonation, style, and content

making slideshow videos out of edited audios

new sources! video game midis, high voltage sid collection, mods

to do: icy metadata, starting 22 seconds before (or 38 seconds after…)

generate video?

luke smith mantra of not proofreading. bill wurtz mantra of not listening to old music. eliminating perfectionism. saving “the precious time” (Gatis Kandis)

not using the word “I”

my fondest memories being drum corps despite not quite fitting in. almost a spiritual experienece. playing loudly and meticulously for hours on end in the hot sun barely wearing any clothing invokes images of aztecs. conflicted about the place for highly contextual, regimented music like marching band in a wholesome kid’s life. i was so gung ho about homeschooling, but no amount of community cooperation would recreate the glory of 150 high school kids on a football field creating good sounds. mencius moldbug (unqualified reservations) stretching the definition of religion to include politics. it’s easy for a paranoid person to believe that everything is a cult - cult of university, cult of gay, cult of hentai (i mean anime), cult of sports. not so much what you do but what you don’t do. overlap between sports nerds and music elitists. choosing your time commitments wisely. as long as they don’t intefere with the one true cult - religion. bubble on sticker metaphor

losing all joy for music with medication. not taking for now. not all bad. hell, i had the courage and motivation to start this show during my clinical stupor

what would filler be? bugman desire to share all the content i’ve consoomed but being stopped by the copyright police, probably for the better lol. conceding with myself to share content that is fringe or underappreciated. logically, ytps fit the mold very well. ytps being inherently degenerate, is there any hope? not wanting to tarnish my name. could do anonymously, but an anonymous playlist would be a lot better. experiencing specific media in the moment is the whole point of radio. everything builds towards an aesthetic; you can’t get that in a playlist. second option being original content that i participated in - band rehearsals/jams. in the process of asking band mates for permission. non-commercial clause keeps things organic and grassroots

in a rush to get to 24 hours to get my name on public icecast directory. still have to figure out track information and metadata. how would i label this stream? probably: autistic rambling on the clock, [filler] off the clock. in the traditional sense. swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler 1911. greek roots auto-ism, concentrated on the self

this is the first time i’ve written a fully fleshed out outline. opens up the possibilty of publishing in dual voice and blog format! the power of methylphenidate lol

funnily enough, Hikari FM has a github where he made his own shuffler - one that reacts to skips and repeats to learn what to play more often and in what order. i stand in awe - amazing!

streaming pre-transcoded mp3s uploaded to my server, eliminating my backup computuer and streamlining the process. the only drawback is that I lose the flexibility to stream to YouTube in the future or to move to a paid host with higher quality (if I ever have a reason to). On those platforms, there’s no reason to have the 90’s dial up sound because I’m not using my own server space. I don’t need to be so stingy lol. if anything, i can leave myself the bread crumbs and store the intermediate files in FLAC locally where I have virtually infinite storage - hard drives are cheap! That does mean I have to re-edit some material that I already went through, but if anything, I’ll just keep the wavs and cross that bridge when I get to it. Ooh, I could probably even use some Nyquist magic in Audacity to make silences! This is how think

liquidsoap is goated. i might even make a tutorial when i finish fiddling with it

if content stands alone without video, it’s good audio

a lot of mouth/swallowing noises

brings us to my next issue - scheduling. right now, held together by bubble gum and duct tape - cron jobs invoking mpd in 15 minute increments on an old chromebook with arch linux and a dead battery that the cats sleep on. error prone, what if the cats pull the plug, what if the power goes out? in any case, would have to look into open source programs. one (Airtime) became proprietary but the last open source release looks doable

anything with another voice in the room (Trash Talk’s policy) probably makes the content worth coming back to by default (multiple opinions) so that’d be a prime candidate for editing and publishing on youtube. the only exception would be a live interview just for the novelty, but even then, i’d still edit and polish later. so i’m on my own for the time being

becoming self sustainable, getting momentum going: getting to the point where people are interested in what i have to say about things, or at the very least, how i say them - the hallmark of right-leaning media lmao. luke smith had questions. bill wurtz has questions. Relevant Radio has phone calls with wombo combo of priest and trained radio host pulling everything together and keeping everything on the clock. Laist has Airtalk with Larry Mantle. don’t quite know how to get to that point. as is, i can’t imagine anybody taking time out of their day to be on some obscure landchad’s website that nobody will see. the lack of outreach is the outreach lol. well, that’s a halflie. in one of my very first blog entries, i acknowledge the uphill battle i will face in creating original useful content and not just regurgitating someone else’s content

part of becoming a better broadcaster is getting used to using your outdoor voice indoors. indoor voice is monotone, boring - nobody would want to listen to it outside of the context of a two-way conversation. conversely, outdoor voice invokes a one-sided interaction. realized this during divine liturgy - the dude was almost screaming his homily, but it wasn’t agitating. it fit somehow. don’t want to straddle the uncanny valley. why some people don’t like asmr - it’s too conversational/intimate. invokes same cringe as skewmorphism in Apple UI during the late 2000s. it’s not a leatherbound notepad, it’s a glass screen. stop trying to pass it off as anything else. probably why announcers during the golden age of radio sounded so corny - it was better than being boring and vulnerable/relatable, as well as hispanic locutores to this day