
personal sites/blogs

Luke Smith
jdemeta | Substack
Jeff Kaufman
Kirsle.net - Noah Petherbridge
Corey Stephan, Ph.D.
Nathan's Toasty Technology Page
GearJail - open-source Android guides
EG Prime - EGrabow HD
Start Here · rs.io
Dive in tommi.space
Gene Expression
Those Who Can See
Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug
Patterns of Refactored Agency
Climate Audit
Captain Capitalism
The Unlikely No – Putting 2 and 2 apart – roughly speaking
Free Northerner | Iron sharpens iron
Richard Stallman's Personal Page
Darius Foroux | Weekly ideas to become smarter and wealthier
Dig Deeper
Fr. John Whiteford
yann girard - rethinking the now
Keith Woods | Substack
The Homepage of msx.gay
Blog | Hackaday | Fresh Hacks Every Day
Miles Mathis essays
radiojayallen | Jay's Radio Reviews, Comparisons & Restorations
Energetic Procession – © P. Robinson 2004-2022
Concurrently Chaotic

learning Japanese

FC2 ライブ
OJAD - Suzuki-kun: Prosody Tutor
anime sorted by popularity, no action, sports, or ecchi - MyAnimeList
romance anime sorted by popularity, no action, sports, or ecchi - MyAnimeList

to read at some point

Do-it-yourself housebuilding : the complete handbook : Nash, George, 1949- : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Liquid Modernity: Bauman, Zygmunt: 8601300417660: Amazon.com: Books
Choice, Harm, and Liberalism’s False Retreat from Morality | by Apex | Medium
The Shallows (book) - Wikipedia
Amazon.com: How to Win Friends & Influence People (Dale Carnegie Books): 9780671027032: Dale Carnegie: Books
Amazon.com: What to Do When I Get Stupid: A Radically Safe Approach to a Difficult Financial Era eBook : Mandell, Lewis: Kindle Store
Only Ever Freedom: Ellis, James

YouTube keywords I'll definitely forget

Bushradical - YouTube
LiquidKonata - YouTube
Video Feedback - YouTube
電磁祭囃子 in NEO TOKYO 🏮 - YouTube
DenshiVideo - YouTube
Vampire Robot - YouTube


dadadodo - analyses texts for word probabilities, and then generates random sentences
questions - bill wurtz
single serving sites - Rafaël Rozendaal
Barack Obama Is Your New Bicycle
Post Modernism Generator


Daily Bible Reading - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Best Fat Loss Article on the Internet - Physiqonomics
Using Spell Checking in Vim - Linux.com
Light pollution map
GitHub - StevenBlack/hosts: Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources
Copyrights and Copying: Why The Laws Should Be Changed
captive portal (public Wi-Fi landing page) - Apple
YouTube playlist from links (50 max) - Dominic Zelek
Catechism of the Catholic Church - Holy See
A Druid Meditation Primer – Ancient Order of Druids in America
La Sociedad Industrial y su Futuro : Manifiesto de FC (Unabomber)
Jergas hispanas - taller de coloquialismos y dialectismos
VHF Propagation Map
How to Move to the Country Fast and Cheap | Portable Building Cabin
Hugo Documentation
新共同訳聖書 (Japanese Bible)
KKJZ jazz and blues - recently played
Text-to-image AI Image Generator - Dezgo

Wiby - Search Engine for the Classic Web
Marble - find your way and explore the world
Essays - Luke Smith
1684 County Road 308, Littlefield, TX 79339 | MLS: 202406309 | LandWatch
iOverlander | Find your next destination
Cell Phone and Wireless RF Signal Detector Bug Sweeper
Liquidsoap documentation
Questions & Answers - Orthodox Church in America
Ancient Faith Radio
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


SWLing (Shortwave listening)

kiwiSDR map
Shortwave.am - Shortwave Radio Schedules
Radio Nikkei 2
Short-Wave Radio Frequency Schedule
Radio Antenna Fundumentals Part 1 1947 - YouTube
WebSDR on Ubuntu 18.04 in Santa Clarita, CA
Irvine, CA
Hikari FM - KFS Omni
Hikari FM - Palomar Mtn, CA
1200 AM Cultura Brasil, São Paulo
690 XEN Ciudad de México El Fonógrafo

BPM130overすぺしゃる - LOVE MACHINE - YouTube
wttr.in - minimal text-based weather
All Touhou music in order (1-19) - YouTube
日向美ビタースイーツ♪ (ひなビタ♪・ひなびた) +ここなつ (KYO213) - YouTube
Hexa Vibes - YouTube
【Official】 アニソン24時間365日ラジオ|Anileap アニリープ|24/7 anime song live stream🌏 - YouTube
EQmatch with Nyquist - Programming and Development / Nyquist - Audacity Forum
William Kage | SNES Soundfonts | Official Website
Radio Survivor - College radio, internet radio & podcasting news
iTunes Artwork Finder by Ben Dodson
A Latin Macronizer
william woodruff
How does Stable Diffusion work?
Stable Diffusion Samplers: A Comprehensive Guide - Stable Diffusion Art
GitHub - MarshmelloSUCKS/FFmpeg-Multiband: A multiband compressor made using FFmpeg that bulk processes audio files.
Your audio journey – Part 36 – Compression for internet radio - Mark Denholm
Online Tone Generator - generate pure tones of any frequency
Video Game Music Downloads - Free MP3 OST downloads - Game Soundtracks for download
Nova Vulgata - Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio
Divinum Officium
User Uploaded Anki Decks
Neural Network Learns to Generate Voice (RNN/LSTM) - YouTube
(REUPLOADED) All Videos Of Preview 1280 (ToeExtended) - YouTube
All You Need To Know About Running LLMs Locally - YouTube
【4周年記念MV】結絆華(ゆいなばな)/ 御華見衆 椿組 (7月21日(水)発売CDアルバム「百華繚乱 参」収録)【天華百剣 -斬-】 - YouTube
Parishes | Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America
GitHub - eshaz/icecast-metadata-js: Browser and NodeJS packages for playing and reading Icecast compatible streaming audio with realtime metadata updates.


Firefox custom search

Arch Linux Packages
Massif - Japanese example sentences drawn from novels and dramas
Urban Dictionary
Wiktionary (en)
Search Odysee

Transmission Web Interface
Convert JPG to PDF. Images JPG to PDF online